
108 lines
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import subprocess
import neopixel
import requests
import time
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from getmac import get_mac_address
import board
# var's for web api server. Change them if you use another IP scheme for the DHCP.
# get the current MAC address from the wlan0 interface to use it as the unique id in the DB
wlan_mac_address = str(get_mac_address(interface="wlan0"))
# var's for pin and led count to use them in the neopixel module
LED_STRIP_PIN = board.D18
global LED_COUNT
# global variables for LED strip control
global strip
strip = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin = board.D18, n = LED_COUNT, auto_write = True)
def register_tube():
# register or reauthenticate the tube with the server
response = requests.post(f'http://{SERVER_IP}:{SERVER_PORT}/register_tube', data={'mac_address': wlan_mac_address})
data = response.json()
if data.get('success'):
print('Tube registered successfully.')
print(f'Registration failed: {data.get("message")}')
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f'Registration failed: {e}')
def get_assigned_params():
# request the own settings via the unique ID
response = requests.get(f'http://{SERVER_IP}:{SERVER_PORT}/get_assigned_params/{wlan_mac_address}')
data = response.json()
if data.get('success'):
return data.get('universe'), data.get('dmx_address')
print(f'Failed to fetch assigned parameters: {data.get("message")}')
return None, None
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f'Failed to fetch assigned parameters: {e}')
return None, None
def is_connected_to_wifi():
# check via subprocess command if you wifi is connected to the AP
output = subprocess.check_output(['iwgetid']).decode()
return output.split('"')[1]
def update_led_strip(rgb_values, pixel, strip):
# set retraived RGB values to the spicified pixel
strip[int(pixel)] = rgb_values
def on_message(mqttc, obj, msg):
# get the rgb value list on new mqtt message from the subscribed topic
global rgb_values_list
rgb_values_list = eval(msg.payload.decode())
if __name__ == "__main__":
# run wifi connection check
if is_connected_to_wifi() is not None:
# if connected successfully run registration/reauthentication process
# open MQTT client
mqttc = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2)
mqttc.connect("", 1883, 60)
mqttc.on_message = on_message
mqttc.subscribe("tube-"+str(wlan_mac_address)+"/pixel_colors", 0)
# create a default rgb value list to get a black output
global rgb_values_list
rgb_values_list = eval("['[0, 0, 0]', '[0, 0, 0]', '[0, 0, 0]', '[0, 0, 0]', '[0, 0, 0]', '[0, 0, 0]']")
# start MQTT server in background loop
while True:
# try updating the single pixels
for pixel in range(5):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[0])), pixel, strip)
for pixel in range(5, 10):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[1])), pixel, strip)
for pixel in range(10, 15):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[2])), pixel, strip)
for pixel in range(15, 20):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[3])), pixel, strip)
for pixel in range(20, 25):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[4])), pixel, strip)
for pixel in range(25, 30):
update_led_strip(tuple(eval(rgb_values_list[5])), pixel, strip)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if code stop via cntrl+c blackout
for led in range(LED_COUNT):
update_led_strip((0, 0, 0), led, strip)