added publishes

Signed-off-by: Ebbe Baß <ebbe.bass>
Ebbe Baß 2024-02-17 02:52:28 +01:00
parent e7ececf537
commit 93d935e87e
1 changed files with 43 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -124,15 +124,52 @@ def start_mqtt_publishers():
#Checks to see if the current packet is for the specified DMX Universe
dmxPacket =
# Create MQTT topic based on the universe and channel
cur.execute("SELECT id, mac_address, universe, dmx_address FROM tubes")
cur.execute("SELECT mac_address, universe, dmx_address FROM tubes")
result = cur.fetchall()
for row in result:
dmx_address = int(dmx_address)
if artNetPacket.universe == int(row[1]):
#Define RGB values per pixel
p1_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+0+0]
p1_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+0+1]
p1_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+0+2]
p2_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+3+0]
p2_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+3+1]
p2_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+3+2]
p3_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+6+0]
p3_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+6+1]
p3_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+6+2]
p4_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+9+0]
p4_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+9+1]
p4_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+9+2]
p5_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+12+0]
p5_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+12+1]
p5_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+12+2]
p6_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address+15+0]
p6_g = dmxPacket[dmx_address+15+1]
p6_b = dmxPacket[dmx_address+15+2]
# Pixel topics
p1_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p1"
p2_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p2"
p3_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p3"
p4_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p4"
p5_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p5"
p6_topic = "tube-"+str(result[0])+"/p6"
# Publish pixel topic
mqtt_client.publish(p1_topic, list(p1_r, p1_g, p1_b))
mqtt_client.publish(p2_topic, list(p2_r, p2_g, p2_b))
mqtt_client.publish(p3_topic, list(p3_r, p3_g, p3_b))
mqtt_client.publish(p4_topic, list(p4_r, p4_g, p4_b))
mqtt_client.publish(p5_topic, list(p5_r, p5_g, p5_b))
mqtt_client.publish(p6_topic, list(p6_r, p6_g, p6_b))
# topic = "PiXelTubes/"+str(artNetPacket.universe)
# # Publish the DMX value to the MQTT topic
# mqtt_client.publish(topic, str(dmxPacket))
except KeyboardInterrupt: