minfied code on server test

Signed-off-by: Ebbe Baß <ebbe.bass>
Ebbe Baß 2024-02-18 16:59:53 +01:00
parent c5734959c4
commit 0f22a8aa45
1 changed files with 79 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -1,182 +1,81 @@
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify V='localhost'
import json U='password'
from MySQLdb import connect T='user'
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt S='host'
import python_artnet as Artnet R='config.json'
import os Q=Exception
from getmac import get_mac_address N='message'
import time M='database'
import sys I='success'
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe H=int
from ast import literal_eval G=print
app = Flask(__name__) D=True
wlan_mac_address = str(get_mac_address(interface="wlan0")) from flask import Flask,request as W,jsonify as E
import json as O
# Read configuration from config.json from MySQLdb import connect as X
import paho.mqtt.client as P,python_artnet as l,os
from getmac import get_mac_address as Y
import time,sys
from multiprocessing import Process as J,Pipe
from ast import literal_eval as b
try: try:
with open('config.json', 'r') as config_file: with open(R,'r')as L:A=O.load(L)
config = json.load(config_file)
except FileNotFoundError: except FileNotFoundError:
# Create config.json with default values if it doesn't exist A={B:{S:V,T:'pxm',U:'pixel',M:'pixeltube_db'}}
config = { with open(R,'w')as L:O.dump(A,L,indent=4)
"mysql": { o=A[B][M]
"host": "localhost", F=X(host=A[B][S],user=A[B][T],password=A[B][U],database=A[B][M])
"user": "pxm", F.autocommit(D)
"password": "pixel", p='PiXelTubeMaster-'+Z
"database": "pixeltube_db" def a(mac_address):
}, B=mac_address;A=F.cursor();A.execute('SELECT * FROM tubes WHERE mac_address = %s',(B,));C=A.fetchone()
} if not C:A.execute('INSERT INTO tubes (mac_address, universe, dmx_address) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)',(B,0,1))
with open('config.json', 'w') as config_file: else:0
json.dump(config, config_file, indent=4) A.close()
database = config['mysql']['database'] def q():A=W.form.get('mac_address');a(C(A));return E({I:D,N:'Tube registered successfully.'})
db = connect( def r(tube_unique_id):
host=config['mysql']['host'], C=False
mqtt_client_id = "PiXelTubeMaster-"+wlan_mac_address
# Function to register a tube in the database
def register_tube(mac_address):
cur1 = db.cursor()
# Check if the tube already exists in the database
cur1.execute("SELECT * FROM tubes WHERE mac_address = %s", (mac_address,))
existing_tube = cur1.fetchone()
# Check if the tube exsist. If it doesn't create a new db row
if not existing_tube:
cur1.execute("INSERT INTO tubes (mac_address, universe, dmx_address) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
(mac_address, 0, 1))
# Registration system route
@app.route('/register_tube', methods=['POST'])
def register_tube_route():
mac_address = request.form.get('mac_address')
return jsonify({'success': True, 'message': 'Tube registered successfully.'})
@app.route('/get_assigned_params/<tube_unique_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_assigned_params(tube_unique_id):
try: try:
cur = db.cursor() A=F.cursor();A.execute('SELECT universe, dmx_address FROM tubes WHERE mac_address = %s',(tube_unique_id,));B=A.fetchone();A.close()
cur.execute("SELECT universe, dmx_address FROM tubes WHERE mac_address = %s", (tube_unique_id,)) if B:G,H=B;return E({I:D,'universe':G,'dmx_address':H})
result = cur.fetchone() else:return E({I:C,N:'Tube not found in the database'})
cur.close() except Q as J:return E({I:C,N:f"Error: {J}"})
def c():K.run(host='',port=5000)
if result: def m():
universe, dmx_address = result try:A=C(os.system("ip -4 -o addr show eth0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 1 "));return A
return jsonify({'success': True, 'universe': universe, 'dmx_address': dmx_address}) except(KeyError,IndexError,OSError)as B:G(f"Error getting eth0 IP: {B}");exit
else: def d(client,userdata,flags,reason_code,properties):
return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': 'Tube not found in the database'}) A=reason_code
except Exception as e: if A==0:G('Connected to MQTT Broker!')
return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': f'Error: {e}'}) else:G('Failed to connect, return code %d\n',C(A))
def n():A=P.Client(P.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2);A.on_connect=d;A.connect(V,1883);return A
def flask_api(): def e(ti_receiver):
app.run(host='', port=5000) k='/pixel_colors';j='tube-';i='PiXelTubeMaster';c=ti_receiver;G=None;d=n();o=m();e=l.Artnet(BINDIP=o,DEBUG=D,SHORTNAME=i,LONGNAME=i,PORT=6454)
while D:
def get_eth0_ip():
try: try:
# Get the IP address of the eth0 interface F=e.readPacket()
eth0_ip = str(os.system("ip -4 -o addr show eth0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 1 ")) if c.poll():
return eth0_ip f=c.recv();g,h=b(f),b(f)
except (KeyError, IndexError, OSError) as e: if F is not G:
print(f"Error getting eth0 IP: {e}") A=F.data
exit if g is not G:
for E in g:
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, reason_code, properties): if F.universe==H(E[1]):B=H(E[2]);I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z=A[B],A[B+1],A[B+2],A[B+3],A[B+4],A[B+5],A[B+6],A[B+7],A[B+8],A[B+9],A[B+10],A[B+11],A[B+12],A[B+13],A[B+14],A[B+15],A[B+16],A[B+17];a=j+C(E[0])+k;d.publish(a,C([C([K,I,J]),C([N,L,M]),C([Q,O,P]),C([T,R,S]),C([W,U,V]),C([Z,X,Y])]))
if reason_code == 0: elif F is not G:
print("Connected to MQTT Broker!") A=F.data
else: if h is not G:
print("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", str(reason_code)) for E in h:
if F.universe==H(E[1]):B=H(E[2]);I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z=A[B],A[B+1],A[B+2],A[B+3],A[B+4],A[B+5],A[B+6],A[B+7],A[B+8],A[B+9],A[B+10],A[B+11],A[B+12],A[B+13],A[B+14],A[B+15],A[B+16],A[B+17];a=j+C(E[0])+k;d.publish(a,C([C([K,I,J]),C([N,L,M]),C([Q,O,P]),C([T,R,S]),C([W,U,V]),C([Z,X,Y])]))
def connect_mqtt(): except KeyboardInterrupt:e.close();sys.exit()
# Set Connecting Client ID def f(ti_sender):
client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2) while D:
# client.username_pw_set(username, password) try:A=F.cursor();A.execute('SELECT mac_address, universe, dmx_address FROM tubes');B=A.fetchall();A.close();ti_sender.send(C(B))
client.on_connect = on_connect except Q as E:G(E)
client.connect("localhost", 1883)
return client
def mqtt_publisher(ti_receiver):
# Create and start a thread for each universe
mqtt_client = connect_mqtt()
artnetBindIp = get_eth0_ip()
artNet = Artnet.Artnet(BINDIP = artnetBindIp, DEBUG = True, SHORTNAME = "PiXelTubeMaster", LONGNAME = "PiXelTubeMaster", PORT = 6454)
while True:
# Gets whatever the last Art-Net packet we received is
artNetPacket = artNet.readPacket()
# Make sure we actually *have* a packet
if ti_receiver.poll():
ti_data = ti_receiver.recv()
tube_index, tube_index_old = literal_eval(ti_data), literal_eval(ti_data)
if artNetPacket is not None:
#Checks to see if the current packet is for the specified DMX Universe
dmxPacket = artNetPacket.data
# Create MQTT topic based on the universe and channel
if tube_index is not None:
for index_row in tube_index:
if artNetPacket.universe == int(index_row[1]):
dmx_address = int(index_row[2])
#Define RGB values per pixel
p1_g, p1_b, p1_r, p2_g, p2_b, p2_r, p3_g, p3_b, p3_r, p4_g, p4_b, p4_r, p5_g, p5_b, p5_r, p6_g, p6_b, p6_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address], dmxPacket[dmx_address+1], dmxPacket[dmx_address+2], dmxPacket[dmx_address+3], dmxPacket[dmx_address+4], dmxPacket[dmx_address+5], dmxPacket[dmx_address+6], dmxPacket[dmx_address+7], dmxPacket[dmx_address+8], dmxPacket[dmx_address+9], dmxPacket[dmx_address+10], dmxPacket[dmx_address+11], dmxPacket[dmx_address+12], dmxPacket[dmx_address+13], dmxPacket[dmx_address+14], dmxPacket[dmx_address+15], dmxPacket[dmx_address+16], dmxPacket[dmx_address+17]
# Pixel topics
p1_topic = "tube-"+str(index_row[0])+"/pixel_colors"
# Publish pixel topic
mqtt_client.publish(p1_topic, str([str([p1_r, p1_g, p1_b]), str([p2_r, p2_g, p2_b]), str([p3_r, p3_g, p3_b]), str([p4_r, p4_g, p4_b]), str([p5_r, p5_g, p5_b]), str([p6_r, p6_g, p6_b])]))
if artNetPacket is not None:
#Checks to see if the current packet is for the specified DMX Universe
dmxPacket = artNetPacket.data
# Create MQTT topic based on the universe and channel
if tube_index_old is not None:
for index_row in tube_index_old:
if artNetPacket.universe == int(index_row[1]):
dmx_address = int(index_row[2])
#Define RGB values per pixel
p1_g, p1_b, p1_r, p2_g, p2_b, p2_r, p3_g, p3_b, p3_r, p4_g, p4_b, p4_r, p5_g, p5_b, p5_r, p6_g, p6_b, p6_r = dmxPacket[dmx_address], dmxPacket[dmx_address+1], dmxPacket[dmx_address+2], dmxPacket[dmx_address+3], dmxPacket[dmx_address+4], dmxPacket[dmx_address+5], dmxPacket[dmx_address+6], dmxPacket[dmx_address+7], dmxPacket[dmx_address+8], dmxPacket[dmx_address+9], dmxPacket[dmx_address+10], dmxPacket[dmx_address+11], dmxPacket[dmx_address+12], dmxPacket[dmx_address+13], dmxPacket[dmx_address+14], dmxPacket[dmx_address+15], dmxPacket[dmx_address+16], dmxPacket[dmx_address+17]
# Pixel topics
p1_topic = "tube-"+str(index_row[0])+"/pixel_colors"
# Publish pixel topic
mqtt_client.publish(p1_topic, str([str([p1_r, p1_g, p1_b]), str([p2_r, p2_g, p2_b]), str([p3_r, p3_g, p3_b]), str([p4_r, p4_g, p4_b]), str([p5_r, p5_g, p5_b]), str([p6_r, p6_g, p6_b])]))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def tube_index_updater(ti_sender):
while True:
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT mac_address, universe, dmx_address FROM tubes")
tube_index = cur.fetchall()
# print("Updated tube index with values: "+str(tube_index))
except Exception as e:
time.sleep(2) time.sleep(2)
if __name__=='__main__':g,h=Pipe(D);i=J(target=f,args=(h,));i.start();j=J(target=e,args=(g,));j.start();k=J(target=c);k.start()
if __name__ == "__main__":
(ti_receiver,ti_sender) = Pipe(True)
ti_updater_thread = Process(target=tube_index_updater, args=(ti_sender, ))
publisher_thread = Process(target=mqtt_publisher, args=(ti_receiver, ))
flask_thread = Process(target=flask_api)